Mad Libs Generator

The Goal: Inspired by Summer Son’s Mad Libs project with Javascript. The program will first prompt the user for a series of inputs a la Mad Libs. For example, a singular noun, an adjective, etc. Then, once all the information has been inputted, the program will take that data and place them into a premade story template. You’ll need prompts for user input, and to then print out the full story at the end with the input included.
Concepts to keep in mind:
  • Strings
  • Variables
  • Concatenation
  • Print
A pretty fun beginning project that gets you thinking about how to manipulate userinputted data. Compared to the prior projects, this project focuses far more on strings and concatenating. Have some fun coming up with some wacky stories for this!


a = str(input("Enter Your Name: "))
x = str(input("Enter Country Name: "))
y = str(input("Enter Bird Name: "))

print("Throw a party to celebrate fall.\n")
print("My Name is "+ a + " and I belong from " + x + ".", "I have many birds but I like",y)


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