Guess The Number Game

The Goal: Similar to the first project, this project also uses the random module in Python. The program will first randomly generate a number unknown to the user. The user needs to guess what that number is. (In other words, the user needs to be able to input information.) If the user’s guess is wrong, the program should return some sort of indication as to how wrong (e.g. The number is too high or too low). If the user guesses correctly, a positive indication should appear. You’ll need functions to check if the user input is an actual number, to see the difference between the inputted number and the randomly generated numbers, and to then compare the numbers.
Concepts to keep in mind:
  • Random function
  • Variables
  • Integers
  • Input/Output
  • Print
  • While loops
  • If/Else statements

Jumping off the first project, this project continues to build up the base knowledge and introduces user-inputted data at its very simplest. With user input, we start to get into a little bit of variability.


# first you need to import random libraries
import random
from random import randint

# now you need to log user attempts 
attempts = 1

# random value will generate between 1 to 10, if you need to generate more values then changed
randomvalue = randint(1,10)

# get user input guess
userinput = int(input("Guess the number: "))

# while loop to compare values and attempts
while userinput != randomvalue and attempts < 6:   
    if userinput < randomvalue:
        print("Your input is low...")
    elif userinput > randomvalue:
        print("Your input is high...")
    userinput = int(input("Guess the number: "))
    attempts += 1

if attempts == 6:
    print("\nSorry you reached the maximum number of tries")
    print("The secret number was ",randomvalue)

    print("\nYou guessed it! The number was " ,randomvalue)
    print("You guessed it in ", attempts,"attempts")

input("\n\n Press the enter key to exit")


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