Guess The Number Game
Concepts to keep in mind:
- Random function
- Variables
- Integers
- Input/Output
- While loops
- If/Else statements
Jumping off the first project, this project continues to build up the base knowledge and introduces user-inputted data at its very simplest. With user input, we start to get into a little bit of variability.
# first you need to import random libraries
import random
from random import randint
# now you need to log user attempts
attempts = 1
# random value will generate between 1 to 10, if you need to generate more values then changed
randomvalue = randint(1,10)
# get user input guess
userinput = int(input("Guess the number: "))
# while loop to compare values and attempts
while userinput != randomvalue and attempts < 6:
if userinput < randomvalue:
print("Your input is low...")
elif userinput > randomvalue:
print("Your input is high...")
userinput = int(input("Guess the number: "))
attempts += 1
if attempts == 6:
print("\nSorry you reached the maximum number of tries")
print("The secret number was ",randomvalue)
print("\nYou guessed it! The number was " ,randomvalue)
print("You guessed it in ", attempts,"attempts")
input("\n\n Press the enter key to exit")
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